Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Across the World

Watch out, Australia! Here come the Thurber boys.
Today will be another big day of travel.  We first started out in Exeter, New Hampshire, where we spent the last two days at home mainly re-packing for the new climate of Australia (it is now early fall in Australia).  After flying 6.5 hours from Boston to San Fransisco, we have a 3 hour layover before we take a 13 hour flight from San Francisco to New Zealand.  Then, we will have a 3 hour layover in Aukland, New Zealand, followed by a 4 hour flight to Melbourne, Australia.

By the time we arrive in Australia, we will have traveled over 24 hours, and never experienced April 15, 2015, because we will be crossing the international date line!  (We left Exeter on April 14, but will arrive in Australia on April 16, about 24 hours later!)  I am so exited to arrive in Australia.  This picture is of my brother and me in front of the airport in our "Australia" clothes. BTW, if you drew a line from Exeter, through the center of the earth, and out the other side, you'd be somewhere in New Zealand. We really are going as far away from home as we can get (while still being on the planet, of course!).

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